One night as I woke from a sound sleep, knowing I was awake I suddenly realized that I was in the middle of a Visit from Spirit. My wonderful friend Larry who had passed to Spirit four days earlier was lying next to me on my bed. I could see and hear him! And then suddenly I found myself standing in another room as Larry walked around circling me. His coat looked fluffy, I was seeing in color and I could feel his nose as cold and wet. Then all at once he was gone; fading from view and I was back in my bed alone. That event happened nine years ago in 1999; I remember it as if it happened yesterday. That is the nature of a Spiritual Visit.
I turned on the light and got out my journal. I knew I had to record the event right away; fearing I might forget some of the details. Larry was seventeen when he passed in 1999, an ancient age for an Irish Wolfhound harrier. He found a way with the help of my guide in Spirit to tell me that he had survived the change called death. This was a true visit from Spirit. Wow...I am still stunned to this day.
Not long after Larry appeared to me in that vision I took this picture of my tow surviving dogs, Noah the sheepdog and Barney the poodle; not expecting that a third dog was in the photograph. But Barney is clearly looking at something or someone! I knew whe I saw this image that my little poodle was seeing Spirit, my Larry was coming through from the 'otherside'. Was this a visit? I would say it was. Anytime Spirit comes from behind the veil to demonstrate the continuity of life it becomes a form of Spiritual Visit. Spirit comes in love and their intention is simple: to prove they yet live. Visiting the living is something they like to do!
How is that a person who is physically dead can come back to the world of the living; appearing to us alive and in a "physical body"? Sir Isaac Newton taught us that from a scientific perspective we are formed energy. Newton also concluded that energy is neither created nor destroyed. From these facts we can conclude that when our body dies our essence, our soul converts to another energy form; surviving the change called death in what might be described as another space or dimension.
It would seem logical from the many visits people have witnessed that Spirit has not 'gone' anywhere; they stay right here among us. When my grandmother died I was seven. I remember asking my father if Nana was just in another dimension and not dead in the final sense, ceasing to exist. My father thought long and hard before he answered my question and finally agreed that I had a point.
In this next photo I was visiting my friends at Balgonie Castle in Fife, Scotland. We had been talking about the castle's incredible history through the centuries and the fascinating life of one particular laird made famous through the nursery rhyme 'There Was a Crooked Man". In this photo taken in the courtyard of the 13th century estate, just shortly after that discussion, it would appear that this ancient Scottish warrior wanted to make his presence known!
Old warrior souls understand the concept of a visit from Spirit. I was watching a show called 'War Stories' hosted on Fox News by Col. Oliver North the well known Marine. He was in Vietnam with Marine Sgt. Dennis Manion. The combat veteran was recounting his service during that war as well as describing his more recent visit to the former battlefield. Nothing could prepare me for what came next. Manion told North about his visit from Spirit; described clearly seeing his four buddies coming over the hill. They were wearing the same parkas and looking as youthful as they did the day they were KIA Manion said. With obvious emotion he continued, telling North that all four Marines suddenly faded from view, back into the tall grasses that covered the old battlefield. Old warrior souls know the truth; as General Douglas MacArthur reminded us, "Old soldiers never die, they just fade away."