Teaching Spirit Communication is rewarding for me. Each class reminds me of the earlier times in my own development when I was unsure about the source of my information. I was almost fearful to share the words form Spirit as I thought I might have gotten the message wrong. But now as I share the stories of my early training I realize that such timidity was actually a struggle with ego.
Communication is a partnership with our guides in Spirit. Those souls behind the veil have to learn how to communicate with us just like we have to find a way to receive their messages accurately. Meditation on a daily basis helps to speed up the learning process.
I have found that our animals are natural communicators. My new Deerhound pups have provided me with wonderful messages from their animal counterparts in Spirit. For the last eight weeks since Arrow and Ace passed, the newcomers, Mercury and Archer, have been on high alert.
Without audible prompts, one of my eight month old hounds started to stare at a corner of the room that was once the territory supervised by my beautiful Celtic Arrow. Mercury escalated his response to a full-bark alert. As a medium I was able to see Arrow still standing her ground. (Celtic Arrow pictured left, a month before she passed)
On another day Garnet Ace, my wise old soul in Spirit, showed up in my bedroom. I saw him out of the corner of my eye as he sauntered through. From a deep sleep, the newer pup, Archer, jumped up on the bed, standing at full attention. Loud barking ensued until the Ace Man left the room. (Garnet Ace pictured right with his happy smile)
I was very grateful to see my old warrior hounds in Spirit. Their presence is wonderfully reassuring, even with my decade of experience in mediumship. Just knowing that they are around is very comforting to me. And for those that do not 'see' as a clairvoyant be assured that our animal friends never really leave us. With meditation we can learn to see these loved ones on a daily basis, many becoming our totems as we 'travel' behind the veil through our meditations.
Communication with Spirit is something we all can do. Sometimes it is just a matter of being receptive, open to the message just like my Deerhound pups were when they were visited by Arrow and Ace. Animals teach us a lot about communicating with Spirit as they are always open to it, taking it in stride as part of their reality.