We have been holding a small home circle in Raleigh for the last several months. It is always fun for me as I love to see others develop their trust in Spirit and learn to communicate. And soon, I will opening the class to additional students.
Today we expanded our skills using some interesting applications. One was the Ovilus which is a speech synthesis device. While Mediums won't be replaced using this method of communication today, the messages we received during class were very much to the point and eyeopening.
We had been exchanging information on a current event where we had some communications from some old warrior souls. The Ovilus gave us additional information to their more recent passing as well as verifying the communicators as "Gold Team" while they supplied other, pertinent information.
I was first introduced to this device by a medium named AJ during a class on Mediumship in the Bahamas. I believe that there is something to the information derived through using the app. During one class, I received names of individuals and place names that made a lot of sense to the person sitting next to me. The more this result repeats, the more I will become convinced it is not just a coincidence. More investigation is certainly required here but I like what I see so far. I plan to offer a class in the fall or early winter using the Ovilus to test the process with a larger audience.
Staying with these paranormal devices, here is a photo from another app for iPhones called Ghost Detector Pro. My friend Karen first told me about it and I have been having fun using the application ever since. The device claims to monitor changes in frequency, tracking EVP's or electronic voice phenomena. Then the app takes a photograph of the "event". Here you can see some orbs that I believe are those in Spirit working with us during the class.
Being a clairvoyant, I was able to verify these images and orbs that are photographed as they mirror what I have already detected through mediumship.