With the recent terrorist activites in France there will be many psychics and mediums bringing out their "predictions" posted well in advance of the tragedies. For those of us who communicate with Spirit on a regular basis, "knowing" about such events, in advance, is common. But what do we do with the information?
I was sitting in a Tampa restaurant last year with some other mediums, one specific person who was warned and escaped 911, and the topic of discussion came around to terrorism. We each shared of visions that we were recently receiving from Spirit, some of us even had general dates. Since that time other mediums have shared similar information of messages they received. Generally the images dealt with recurring visions of an aircraft flying at low levels over a beach or land mass on the water and then exploding; each one presented their data with different details. Everything happens for a reason, I have come to believe that. So what can we do about such a vision; who can we call and if we did, who would believe us? We had nothing truly specific, just general messages of a terrorist attack of a large scale. If Spirit wanted to be more specific, could they be?
Well in advance of 911 many mediums, psychics and sensitives where shown images of a great tragedy that was coming to the world. In early 2001 I was in my beginning years of training for what has become my life's dedication to working with Spirit. I was meditating twice daily using Lydia Clar's mediation series "Out of Darkness into Light" (www.lydiaclar.com). Early mornings I would see black and white movies of people, places and things in various situations, decades and centuries apart. But in January 2001, the emphasis was of this one scene, of small aircraft in a metropolitan location that resembled Lower Manhattan, flying around the upper levels of tall buildings. It was not until years later that I found my old journal with the drawings of those visual messages from Spirit. I realized only then that I had been warned of the catastrophy of September 11th.
Richard Rescourla, VP of Security for Morgan Stanley, was meeting with the Port Authority the morning of 911. He had tried unsuccessfully to have the corporate office moved to another, safer location. Richard had gone on record, predicted the original attack on the Trade Center. He had another "vision" or understanding of the next move the terrorists would take; flying a plane into the Twin Towers, possibly with a "dirty" cargo.
Richard was described by the former CIA Director Woolsey this way, the quotes taken from an article by Bill Gertz in his tribute to Rescorla in the Washington Times: " 'An iconoclast and strategic thinker who wasn’t afraid to buck the system, Rescorla 'is an example of somebody who should have probably been at the top of the intelligence community, but wasn’t,' Woolsey told me. 'He’s a perfect example of the kind of guy that the Germans say has fingerspitzengefühl — fingertip feel' or intuition, he said. 'God, it would have been wonderful if he had been the head of the DO’s [the CIA's Directorate of Operations] counterterrorist operations, but at least he saved 3,700 people.”
In other words, Rescorla had second sight as they say in Scotland; mediumistic abilities. Richard knew details of the coming attacks. He was in contact with Port Authority Security, and other experts on terror, all the way up to the Director of the CIA. He was reliable, accurate and respected. Yet his visions of the attacks that were coming on 911 could not prevent those attacks.
Years later a Douglas warrior named Archibald the Grim, a man I had been researching and writing about, came through to me from Spirit and admitted to being Richard in another more recent lifetime than the 14c. one I wrote about. He had told me he practiced the art of Second Sight in his medieval lifetime and foresaw the death of his cousin in a battle at Otterburn in 1388. Why do we know what we know I asked him. I was told that it is a warning of what is to come. From experience with such things, I remembered that time in the world of Spirit is infinite and predictions of certain events are uncertain as they apply to "time". There are many variables; free will for those on the earth plane as well as those souls in Spirit can "throw things off" in real time here. Because we know what is coming, is that to comfort us that in such tremendous wakes of fear and violence, that we are the ones to yet survive? Or is it more than that? Does Spirit truly run the show on the "Otherside" and prevent such catastophies only to let other tragedies occur? And why is this action allowed and another prevented? And as for us, communicators with Spirit, are we being warned so we can prepare for the great emotional roller coaster that follows such attacks?
I don't know "how" it works I just know that it does.