I never really doubted the power of Spirit but sometimes I find myself hitting my head against the wall trying to fix something myself, to no avail. It used to be people that I tried to fix...but thirteen years of therapy resolved that habit that has survived my many lifetimes. Ha ha. Now I need to accept the help from Spirit... how to let go and let Spirit take action in all matters. There are always new lessons in life.
In the last days of editing my sixth book, FLAMES OF MY TRUTH, the Tragic Execution of Janet Douglas (Lady Glamis), a date referenced in online genealogical sites stopped me in my tracks from the final release to the publisher. If the date was correct, I would have to remove a significant character from the book. I saw that woman in Spirit and was told by my guides that the year of her passing was 1533, written out in Spirit shorthand; three Deerhounds playing, three men drinking from a mazer (Scottish Drinking Cup) for '33'. With all my books, I needed validation through historic research. I went through weeks of trying to uncover a 16th c. document referenced by many genealogy sites, one dated 1530. I felt it was an invalid reference; the information I had from Spirit clearly conflicted with the May 1530 date listed by Campbell family descendants.
I happened upon a site director and historian in Scotland who managed the clan's burial sites; I consulted several other Campbell family Archivists (Argyll Archivists) in Scotland, as well historical references in the National Archives. After an exhausting search with no results I decided that the document cited by genealogists was confused; the date was actually the transfer of 1/3 of the estates in dower to the Dowager-Countess Argyll and not her date of death.The 1530 date also was documented as the same time when Countess Argyll's son received his father's inheritance and entered into the Earldom estates. That document was verification.
I finally released FLAMES for publication. Read, re-read, edited numerous times, I felt we were good to go.
Well... not quite; there was this flaw....My friend who helped with the editing emailed me immediately when I sent the final galley to her. We had missed an error on the Table of Contents page, of all things. OMG, how many times did we all look at the word ('warms' that should be 'warns')....I was crestfallen. I called the publisher and asked about a resubmit. $300 was the fee at this late stage I was told. I did not have that in the budget and decided to let it go, reluctantly, knowing that with such books there are always revisions. After all, the Argyll Archives just received a grant of approximately $142K to review the original documents still in the Charter Chest, identify them and record their contents for researchers to access online. A 'lost' charter might be found and I would need to make corrections if they conflicted with my information.
History does not change but evolves when we find new documents... to explain the 'rest of the story' as Paul Harvey would say.
As I look back on the last two months I found myself wondering how could I have believed that Spirit could not 'fix' this last problem, that silly typo on the Table of Contents page. I asked for help, Reiki'd the problem (Reiki Healing Modality) let it go and days later, today, I received a solution 'out of the blue'; normal thing for those of us who work with Spirit.
I recall the words of Gladys Davis Turner...she recorded the words in volumes of her shorthand during sessions when Edgar Cayce spoke in trance, downloads of information from the world of Spirit. When I met her Spirit in the ARE library in 2008 she told me, "I wrote books like you," a message I treasure to this day. It never occurred to me until that afternoon in Virginia Beach how I was writing my books; they are indeed a 'download from Spirit'. And today my co-authors in Spirit came through again; the galley was rejected, the publisher had a flaw in the final setup. I had a second chance. At a nominal fee I corrected the typos, the book has been resubmitted and as William would say, it is done. It is done indeed.
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