Why Choose Healing?
How You Can Benefit from Classes Working with Guides in Spirit
By Deborah Richmond Foulkes, CM, FSAScot, D.Div
Working with our Guides in Spirit helps us to heal ourselves. But how do we learn to communicate with those in Spirit? The answer is simple, we already are communicating. As a Soul in a physical form we are connected by energy cords, sometimes referred to as the ‘Silver Cords’. We came from Spirit and we shall one day return there. Why shouldn’t we be able to communicate?
Spiritualists began their work with Spirit Communication in 1848, at Fox Cottage in a small village outside Rochester, NY working with a deceased peddler named Charles Rosna. The Fox sisters heard a rapping sound and were able to develop a code with the peddler in Spirit. Ten years later they were championed by publisher Horace Greeley from NH, later of NY fame. They married their husbands at his NY home and became famous. These ladies took their show on the road and New Spiritualism was born, in the United States. By 1891 Spiritualism the religion was established under the constitution of the United States with its protections as a religion. The basis of Spiritualism was the phenomena called Mediumship which proved that the personality of the soul does not change when it returns to Spirit.
Decades later as a Spiritualist, a Minister and a Certified Medium in the Spiritualist church working with my Guides, we at Skybear.com bring our expertise in communication to share with the local community. We offer Classes as well as Development Circles at very reasonable costs to promote the art of communication.
In our two decades of existence we have published six books written with Spirit. We have been able to take the Spiritualist findings and expand on their work, discovering through Mediumship and Academic Research to verify the information that the personality of the Soul remains the same, lifetime over lifetime. Knowing as we do now that death is not an end but another beginning we have mitigated many fears in living the life we have been given.
As Robert Brown wrote, appearing in one of my books, “When the fear of death is removed, it changes things.” But how do we get to that place where we can enjoy our lives and work to heal from past lives? We begin by turning to our Guides in Spirit that we have chosen to help us achieve our goals in this incarnation.
How does one begin you might ask. Listen, watch, seek; walk through stores that feature crystals, books on healing, essential oils. Feel the energy, experience the excitement as you begin to pay attention to you. A book falls off the shelf, a crystal sparkles in a remarkable way, or a fragrance from an essential oil smells oddly familiar. This is how your Guides remind you of your intentions, overcoming the cell memories of prior incarnations to heal in this life.
Reiki is an excellent start. Reiki First Degree is all about healing yourself and others. Second degree allows you to share your talents working with your Guides and the Universal Life Force. At Skybear we always recommend that our students begin their communication with Spirit through Reiki. Traveling to Japan, following in the footsteps of Usui on Mount Kurama is the basis of the courses we offer to our students semiannually through Skybear.com.
From Reiki we offer an understanding of how Spirit Communication works and how everyone can improve their own abilities, augment their talents. When you can communicate more easily with your Guides you can accelerate the healing, keeping on your path as you ease yourself through those more difficult times when we are resolving cell memories from prior lives.
So why heal ourselves in this lifetime? Simple answer, why not? Cell memory is baggage from other lifetimes. We often plan to rid ourselves of those memories of physical or emotion battles of the past, asking our Guides to assist us. Armed with the support of Spirit, learning to communicate ourselves for healing is the simple path of recovery and healing. Allow yourself to heal, seek the remedies that Spirit is sharing with us and remember the Spiritualist motto, “Let it begin with me”.