About seventeen years ago I found myself in a Trance Development Class with then ISF President Marjory Kite. I was selected to be one of the mediums for a demonstration. Once in Trance Marjory asked my Control (Guide) about John of God. She had seen pictures of some of his work and spoken with people witnessing his healing first hand.
Marjory asked my Control Ana, my Healing Guide, about John of God, specifically how he managed to heal as he did, even pulling organs out of the body of the client who was being treated. I could hear my Control in conversation with Marjory and was I ever surprised! Ana told Marjory that John of God did his healing with mirrors; she insisted that he was not who he said he was. Marjory argued; protested that she had evidence. Ana responded again that it was 'magic' and not 'real'. She further explained that it was all a hoax.
I was proud of myself that I did not pull out of the Trance; after all, Marjory was a recognized Medium and President of the ISF, the same organization that boasted Arthur Conan Doyle as its President until his death in 1930. At the end of class a discussion ensued about how we can believe what our Guides are relaying during Trance.
I walked away feeling that my Guides were accurate but at that time I was not able to validate the information. The image at the left of John of God was taken from his website.
But one thing in twenty years that I have learned working with Spirit, messages make more sense years later. That is why I insist on having journals handy on my bedside table, in my meditation room and even in my suitcase when I travel. A few months ago the stories of 600 accusers coming forward to charge that John of God was not a Healer but a Molester. With those accusations came a flood of information about the alleged healer being less than authentic, using his inflated reputation to move in a non spiritual direction as he took advantage of 'naive believers'. It was very sad.
I have come to believe that Spirit is accurate in their words even if the messages appear to be questionable at the time they were given. In the case of my Trance demonstration, the validation of the message came nearly sixteen years later. Taking good notes is imperative. And it proved true in another, more personal situation.
After the death of one of our Deerhounds Angus I wondered how much longer I was going to have his brothers Mercury and Archer and our other Deerhound Wind Chimes. Spirit loudly proclaimed: they will go out as they came in; but I made an error in determining the meaning of that assertion.
Maybe my error was on a subconscious level because losing Mercury, my first hound of the four, our pack leader would be too painful to contemplate. Archer was then diagnosed with Osteosarcoma; his months were numbered.
So I thought Wind Chimes was next and followed her every pant or other sign of possible illness, wondering if she would pass soon. Suddenly on May 6 Mercury suffered a seizure and came out of it for a brief second to acknowledge me and then went back in seizure that overwhelmed his heart, taking his life. He died in my arms and I was in a fog for weeks.(Mercury-Sitting on the couch at right)
Six days later I was told by Spirit it was time to let Archer go to avoid fracture of the then 12" in diameter tumor. Mercury was our first brother; Arrow passed unexpectedly and we got Archer (seen to the left here with his ladybug toy). Then Wind Chimes came ten months later. "They will go out as they came in" now made sense. And it was ever so painful to accept.
Many mediums when they receive personal messages that precipitate an emotional response such as the passing of my Scottish Deerhounds meant to me, seek the assistance of other Mediums to confirm the messages. I tried but was not able to validate the meaning until after the events. Even Mediums block Spirit's Messages. Reading my notes in my journals, I realize how accurate the original message was and perhaps I knew all along and it was just necessary to let myself down easily. Acceptance is what is getting me through the day; belief in the 'Other Side' of Ancient Celts...and oh yes, seeing the boys with Arrow, Ace and Larry in Meditation, priceless!
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