As a Spiritual Medium I always emphasize the importance of daily meditation to my students. I have come to believe that we need to communicate with our guides to keep that connection open and strong. And as I did my research and wrote my books the daily meditations became invaluable.
And now when I am not looking for specific information in meditations I still do them. And there are rewards; great rewards!
The other day I opened to do my morning meditation and saw a vision of my guides bringing forward a large man and seeing him being given an award of some kind; a medal that was dangled from a thick ribbon, that was being draped on his chest. I drew what I saw and forgot about it. Then the 9-11 anniversary rolled around and on the White House site they announced an award given posthumously to Richard Rescorla. And I started to hear the song, "Men of Harlech". What a great way to start the day!
Rick Rescorla was a true warrior soul. When he first introduced himself to me a decade or so ago in my meditations, Rescorla said that Mel Gibson had made a movie on his war experience. I researched the story of "We Were Soldiers Once and Young" and found out that his character was in the original filming but did not survive the final edits, ending up on the cutting room floor. This great warrior soul also told me that he was named Richard and was an officer in a financial corporation, explaining that he died in Tower II on 9-11. I wrote about him, his medieval lifetime in Scotland in my award winning book, "RIGHT OF PASSAGE, What the Dead say about Reincarnation." He had 'second sight' in that lifetime as he did in this century. He was best known as the man who predicted both the 1993 World Trade Center attack , the exploding truck in the basement and the 9-11 attack by airplanes that destroyed the twin towers. A very interesting soul, Richard always made me laugh and as a great communicator he was able to articulate specific information about himself that I could easily verify.
I was truly grateful that Spirit provided that vision of the White House ceremony, reminding me that Rick was always around my soul group. I was thrilled when the President honored him for his heroic leadership on 9-11. Godspeed Rick Rescorla...keep singing that song...and thanks again for your service.
Men of Harlech
Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming,
Can't you see their spear points gleaming?
See their warriors' pennants streaming to this battlefield?
Men of Cornwall stand ye steady,
It cannot be ever said,for the battle were not ready;
Stand and never yield!"
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