Our economy was roaring in January and February. My own business, especially through Holistic Expos was setting revenue records. Then I began seeing strange visions in meditation: the UN building in NYC, a factory blowing up, drawings of biological blobs. Suddenly we were in the middle of a pandemic that spread from a factory in Wuhan to NYC and fear permeated the airways.
During the lock down I was meditating daily and was shown a crowded assembly of well dressed men and women, looked like the US House of Representatives during the State of the Union. Suddenly President Trump appeared, walking through, shaking hands and giving a thumbs up. He walked up to the dais where two men were sitting in chairs behind the podium. The two men stood tall, and had thick, light or white colored hair. The President turned to them and appeared to smile as they applauded. They looked a lot like Vice President Pence and Kevin McCarthy; McCarthy was in the chair usually reserved for the Speaker of the House.
A few weeks later I was shown another vision, like a black and white video of a large room with huge portraits and elegant furniture. The "movers" were there, rolling up carpets (even the carpeting that was installed), taking down the gold leaf large framed portraits and moving furniture. I was then backed up,finding myself looking towards a doorway where I saw a large pillar that looked made of polished granite; it was sitting on what appeared to be a square post or pedestal to the right of an archway leading to a reception area.
When I went online I saw this pillar from photos of the Speaker of the House's office. It was the same one of my vision. I was being shown that we were getting a new Speaker, validating the earlier vision of what looked like the next State of the Union address for 2021.
I have often "heard" from Spirit about future situations. but when I receive such messages "said" in words I have found that the communication is generally only 80% accurate. In 2008 I "heard" that 'John McCain is the next commander in chief'. To this day I do not understand that message. But now, when I see a vision, it has proven to be 100% accurate...so far.
One year I saw Ray Bourke holding up the Stanley Cup but not wearing a Bruins uniform. That year he was traded to Colorado and won the cup the second season he was on the Avalanche team.
In 2000 I saw the name "C H E N E Y" spelled out; well before Bush named him as his Vice President. And not long after that I saw the future Vice President Cheney grab his chest as if having a heart attack, collapsing to the floor; it was years before the public knew of his need for heart surgery.
In 2016 I was shown then candidate Trump on board a Carrier. He was wearing a gray leather-like Eisenhower jacket and a black non-MAGA hat, saluting the sailors and Marines on the ship. Then in 2017, a little more than a year later there was President Trump on the Ford wearing that same gray leather-looking jacket with the round seal and a black hat, saluting the men and women on the ship.
I have come to believe that Spirit always has a hand in every outcome and at least some results are known well in advance. In January 2000 I was shown small aircraft circling the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan. I thought it was a futuristic scene of a new flying vehicle and wrote it down in my meditation notebook. 9-11 was a rude awakening to what messages I might receive from Spirit; some may be horrific so I decided to just record what I saw, knowing that I would know what to do with it later. That is the message I give all my students: just record what you get in meditation and you will eventually understand the message, no matter how long it takes!